Petrel Firmware V29 is Released

Petrel Firmware V29 is Released

NOTE: You must have Shearwater Desktop 2.3.8+ to perform this update.

Download the complete change log in the Petrel Firmware V29 Release Notes

Listing of changes in Petrel Firmware v29

NOTE: After upgrading to v29, it is not possible to downgrade to earlier versions.

Petrel 2 only:

  • Mini CompassNEW FEATURE: Added a mini compass as an optional display on the center row.
  • Mark CompassNEW FEATURE: The current compass numerical value (azimuth) is shown on the “Mark Heading” menu.
  • CHANGE: After marking a heading, if the new mini-compass is shown, returns to the main screen. If mini compass is not shown, returns to the compass screen as before.

All Models:

  • TimerNEW FEATURE: Timer (stopwatch) display added as an option on the configurable center row or configurable bottom row.
  • IMPROVEMENT: More robust method of storing settings to better protect against transient conditions when a battery dies inside unit to prevent corruption of data.
  • CHANGE: Automatically turns on the unit when the absolute ambient pressure is greater than 1100 mbar (previously was 1300 mbar). Result is faster auto-on when dive starts with Petrel turned-off. As a reminder, this auto-on feature is designed as a backup. We always recommend turning your Petrel on before a dive starts to confirm functionality and setup.

Important Notice – Change to surface pressure determination

  • IMPROVEMENT: Improvements have been made to ensure the surface pressure (i.e. the atmospheric air pressure) determination is more reliable for divers at high altitudes, regardless of how the Petrel is turned on.

The surface pressure is now determined by the following:

  • When in sleep mode (off), the pressure is sampled every 15 seconds.
  • The last 10 minutes of pressure samples are saved.
  • Upon turn-on (regardless of the cause), the minimum pressure from the 10 minute pressure history is set as the surface pressure.
  • The exception is when the battery is changed, since there is no 10 minute history. In this case it is assumed that the unit is on the surface, so the current pressure is used as the surface pressure.
  • CHANGE: When on surface and not wet, the no-activity shutdown timeout has increased from 15 minutes to 30 minutes (although DiveCAN controller models still have 45 minute timeout).
  • CHANGE: In OC Rec (Nitrox) mode, a fixed value of 0.16 is now used for the low ppo2 warning. This change is to prevent low PPO2 warnings when diving at altitude (previously used 0.19). Note that O2 % cannot be set lower than 21% anyways when in OC Rec mode.
  • FIX: Fixed wrong CNS calculation in Dive Planner during diving.
  • FIX: Fixed wrong CNS and gas usage calculation in Dive Planner after the Salinity is changed.
  • FIX: Fix to Dive Planner where in certain dives ascent to first stop takes place in one minute rather than actual expected time.
  • FIX: Fixed some VPM-B dives are more conservative issue.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Better compatibility with some Android devices when uploading logs via Bluetooth.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Now can display dive time more than 999 minutes (16h40m). When dive time exceeds 999 minutes, shows as XXhXXm, up to 99h99m. However, a smaller font must be used to fit the time in the hours and minutes format.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Display one decimal place for max and average depth when using meters.
  • IMPROVEMENT: For 3.6V saft battery type, improved compensation for temperature and current draw for more accurate battery gauge and warning levels.
  • CHANGE: Added limitation that PPO2 calibration cannot be performed when pressure is above 1080 mbar.

DiveCAN Controller Models:

Important Notice – Change to auto setpoint switching

  • CHANGE: Changes to auto setpoint switch behaviour. The reasons for these changes are:
    • Allows each setpoint switch to occur more than once per dive, but under more controlled circumstances.
    • More intuitive behaviour.
    • Fights less with manual setpoint switches.

The changes are:

  • The switch down depth is now enforced to be less than the switch up depth, by at least 20ft (6m).
  • The minimum switch down depth is 5ft (2m). Thus, the minimum switch up depth is 25ft (8m).
  • Each auto setpoint switch can now occur as many times per dive as the switch depth is crossed. The 20ft (6m) enforced gap between the up and down depths prevents oscillations.
  • A switch up will only occur while descending (going deeper) across the switch up depth.
  • A switch down will only occur while ascending (going shallower) across the switch down depth.
  • If a manual setpoint switch occurs, the auto switch will be cancelled if within 6ft (2m) of the auto switch depth.

Previously, each auto switch direction could only occur once per dive. Also, previously the auto setpoint switches could fight with manual switches under certain conditions, requiring the manual switch to be performed twice. This fighting could also lead to the one auto switch being inadvertently consumed, which could cause confusion later in the dive when the auto switch would not occur as expected.

  • CHANGE: For DiveCAN controller models, reduced sensitivity of wet contacts to prevent accidental turn-on.
  • FIX: Fixed DiveCAN doesn’t log PPO2 source when bailing out to OC

rEvo rMS Model:

  • FIX:Fixed an rMS roll-under bug that could occur if rMS system lost connection with probes during dive and was operating in the countdown mode.
  • CHANGE: If an rMS probe fails its power-up test (i.e. “TEMP PROBE FAIL” message), then the entire rMS system is locked out and does not provide information. Petrel must be turned off and back on to clear this state.