depth sensor maintenance

Depth Sensor Maintenance

How can I prevent additional damage and help maximize the lifespan of my depth sensor?

In addition to standard battery care, rinsing away salt and debris, and doing your best to avoid physical shock such as dropping, crushing, or driving over, there are three main areas of focus to help prevent unnecessary damage to any computer’s depth sensor:

Cleaning, rinsing, or drying with pressure:  While rinsing is important, high pressure water, like that from a high pressure hose; compressed air; or physical impact can significantly damage the depth sensor.


We recommend gently rinsing away debris (never directly poking) and a 20-30 min soak in water that is lukewarm to the touch while periodically working any mechanical buttons (if applicable - Peregrine, Teric, Tern).

Thermal stress: Exposure to extreme heat or freezing can cause damage, especially if a computer is not dried and water is allowed to freeze. We recommend storing your computer inside at a comfortable temperature after rinsing and drying. Beware of leaving in your vehicle in extreme heat for extended periods.


Chemical insult: Continued use in environments with high chemical concentrations (for example a pool with strong chlorine) is thought to lead to damage of the protective interface of a depth sensor.

We recommend minimizing exposure to harsh chemicals combined with good care and frequent, thorough rinsing/soaking habits. If regularly using your computer in a pool, rinsing and soaking after every use is recommended, as is a ‘rest’ period of 1-2 days between long chlorine exposures.

Additionally, there is some evidence to believe that Ionization sources such as some air purifiers and hair dryers could lead to damage. We recommend storage away from these sources.


These steps can help to prevent early failure of depth sensors, however, one of the best ways to prevent any damage is to identify problems early. As always, we recommend opting for inspections and general maintenance on all Shearwater computers every *****2-3 years***** to ensure enjoyment and function with as many dives as possible.